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Turtle Tuesday

Turtle Tuesday

LÖVE Potion 3.0 Pre-Release 5

It's been some time since I last spoke about LÖVE Potion. If you're unfamiliar with it, it's a port and reimplementation of LÖVE2D for Nintendo consoles via homebrew. Currently the supported consoles include 3DS and Switch (and Wii U, t least on version 3.0). So today we'll be talking about what's new in the latest pre-release!

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Late-Night Turtle Tuesday

Late-Night Turtle Tuesday

Time flies, eh? It's been another eight months since I've posted anything, but here I am! Let's start things off with the obvious: a fresh coat of paint.

New Blog Theme

One of the things I wanted to do recently was overhaul the blog design. The old one was good, don't get me wrong, but realistically it had some issues. Mainly that GitHub Pages uses jekyll by default - which uses the ruby programming language. That itself isn't bad, but installing ruby on Windows is like pulling teeth. I don't know why it's as hard as it was when I tried to do exactly that a couple of weeks ago. I debated on what static website generator to go with and decided to use vue-wordpress with this "hope" theme. It looks super slick. Took me a bit to set up almost everything I wanted to be as expected, but I got there at least.

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